Diptych – Open

Clicking here takes you to the Diptych Set on Flickr – where you can see the rejected pictures!

The theme of the project is Diptych and the idea is that every week Finn and Ren will each take a picture based on a predetermined theme and then we will display both pictures together on their blogs.

I’ll try my best to keep up with them. ;-)

Today is also my mom’s Birthday. She turns one year older than last year.

So just like last year, please wish her a happy birthday in the comments, tell her how awesome of a job she did raising the fine young man that my brother is (I also have an awesome sister but I can’t seem to find a way to insert her in a joke even one year later), send her virtual flowers, do a little dance.

Please refrain from “I’d hit that” kind of comments. Avitable’s already been there, done that. It’s really awkward for me to call him dad.

Happy Birthday Mom! XXX

Funny how one year makes a difference, huh?


  1. @Suze: That’s the second coffee I win this year. :mrgreen:

    @Suze: Thank you from my mom, and thank you. 😀

    @Dèlmour: Nah it’s still “bon” as it goes with “anniversaire”. So it’s “bon anniversaire” but it would be “bonne fête”. Sex of the person getting older has nothing to do with it, it,s the sex of the word that bon/bonne qualifies. And everybody know fête gets much more sex than anniversaire. 🙂

  2. Happy anniversary of your mom’s birth!!

    You look innocent in the first photo. You look like the cat who ate the canary and then threw him up on the floor and blamed the dog in the second one. 😉
    .-= Poppy´s last blog ..Happy St Patrick’s Day =-.

  3. Happy Birthday to yo’ Mama!

    And, I’m with Poppy….you look totally young and innocent in your first picture. But I’d go with “Used Car Salesman Chic” as the caption for the second photo.

    P.S. I finally remembered to fix that “T” issue I had going on….
    .-= Sheila (Charm School Reject)´s last blog ..Where Do I Go From Here? =-.

  4. @Finn: Thanks!

    @Spamvitable: Rawr!

    @Mrs. Hall: Puzzling what a jacket can do, right? :mrgreen:

    @Sybil Law: You’re not half bad yourself. 😆

    @MartyMankins: Thanks dude!

    @Tug: What are you talking aboot? 😛

    @Poppy: I am despicable. :mrgreen:

    @SheilaCSR: Now that you mention it, I do have this 73 Datsun that I could let you have for next to nothing… 😆

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