
Diptych – Sexay

The theme of the project is Diptych and the idea is that every week Finn and Ren will each take a picture based on a predetermined theme and then we will display both pictures together on their blogs.

Except I got tired of trying to keep up with them. ;-)

So the extraordinaire Lady Penelope and I are doing our own Diptych. Don’t worry, this is most likely a one time deal. Enjoy.

Lady Penelope “Sexay”

LeSombre “Sexay”

Well. That was that. :mrgreen:

Diptych – Temporary

Clicking here takes you to the Diptych Set on Flickr – where you can see the rejected pictures!

The theme of the project is Diptych and the idea is that every week Finn and Ren will each take a picture based on a predetermined theme and then we will display both pictures together on their blogs.

I’ll try my best to keep up with them. ;-)

Diptych – Loud

Clicking here takes you to the Diptych Set on Flickr – where you can see the rejected pictures!

The theme of the project is Diptych and the idea is that every week Finn and Ren will each take a picture based on a predetermined theme and then we will display both pictures together on their blogs.

I’ll try my best to keep up with them. ;-)

Today is also my friend Pascal’s Birthday! He’s turning not quite (picture a number in your head folks, I’m not going to tell you), so this is an important step for him! Wish him a happy birthday in the comments, because I will not post his email here…

Wow, it’s almost like I’m making that person up, isn’t it? So to prove you that he is indeed real, here’s a picture of Pascal eating “loud” chicken wings. They burn twice. Or so I was told. 🙂

Diptych – Closed

Clicking here takes you to the Diptych Set on Flickr – where you can see the rejected pictures!

The theme of the project is Diptych and the idea is that every week Finn and Ren will each take a picture based on a predetermined theme and then we will display both pictures together on their blogs.

I’ll try my best to keep up with them. ;-)

Diptych – Green

This week I’m having my own little diptych. 😉

Clicking here takes you to the Diptych Set on Flickr

I’m reusing old pictures because like the dumb-dumb I am, I spent the whole week taking pictures of BLUE things. I did have a picture that I thought I would use, but it was only green in spirit. It’s this one:

Clicking here takes you to the Diptych Set on Flickr

The theme of the project is Diptych and the idea is that every week Finn and Ren will each take a picture based on a predetermined theme and then we will display both pictures together on their blogs.

I’ll try my best to keep up with them. Even if it means I have to reuse old pictures. ;-)

Diptych – Yellow

Clicking here takes you to the Diptych Set on Flickr

The theme of the project is Diptych and the idea is that every week Finn and Ren will each take a picture based on a predetermined theme and then we will display both pictures together on their blogs.

I’ll try my best to keep up with them. ;-)

Edit: Here’s Ren’s Yellow Monster. 😉