
Kidless Week: Day One.

I think I need a graphic for this. 😉

Every year my FMIL hosts the wildest craziest summer camp for the Zadorables. During that week, we live the life of Rockstars!  Here’s what we did yesterday after work:

We fond this new little place in old Hull called “Gy”. It was awesome. LW had the tartare, followed by the duck confit salad and I had the crispy chicken with peanut sauce and the Bison Burger. Both dishes were perfect. Of course, we had to ask what the desserts were (just to know, because I was pretty full at that point). Well, it turned out they only had – the co-owner was very dissapointed to say – LovelyWife favorite dessert and my favorite dessert. That would be Honey Nougat and Crème Brûlée (with a hint of Red Tea). Well, we just had to have some. It was heavenly.

The bill came and they forgot to charge my Bison Burger. Actually they didn’t forget as much as the computer had decided that the burger was costing me 0.00$. I promptly pointed out the error, and was thanked for my honesty. I told the co-owner that since I’d like to come back at some point, I’d like them to stay in business a little while. 😉

We then made our way to the movies, and say “De Père en Flic”. It was a decent movie. It’s actually nice to go to the movies with LovelyWife.

Once we got home, we watched “Dating in the Dark”. Most probably because we were to dumbstruck to change the channel. It’s basically an hour of that:


I really like your voice!


You sound awesome!


And thus concludes day one of Kidless Week.

Rockstars I tell you.

Fully Regenerated!

Here we go again. 😉

I’m back at work, fully regenerated. Here’s a recap of my 4-day weekend.

Saturday: Got up at 8:00, took a shower and gave a lift to the airport to the Beaster. Drove back home and spent the rest day Twittering and Stumbling Upon stuff. Killed a bottle of Dalwhinnie Distiller’s Edition. Wow, that was productive. 😉

Sunday: Got up at 1:15, read some blogs, commented on some blogs, watched some PVR’d shows. Went back to bed at 3:00. Started the day at 7:00, took a shower and went grocery shopping with the family. We hunted for a bit for a guitar Hero World Tour kit, without success. Since my D&D game got cancelled, spent the rest of the day reading, Twittering and Stumbling Upon stuff, until we discovered that the kids had headlice. Went to the clinic, bought some Nix and proceeded to wash everything we own, shampoo the kids. I shaved my son’s head – LovelyWife was a little mad but my son was so happy! Went to bed around 22:30.

Monday: Woke up at 2:00. Watched some TV, read some blogs and went back to bed at 4:45. Got up at 6:45, took the kids to school and dropped the car at the body shop for repairs. Came back home at 7:30 and spent 7 hours cleaning the house. Remind me not to take time off when I’m all by myself and i have no car to go anywhere. But the house is beautiful now! Picked-up the car at 15:00, drove back home and cleaned some more. LovelyWife came home around 16:30 and complained that I left a garbage bag near the door at 16:31. Took a shower. Read and Twittered. Went to bed around 22:00.

Tuesday: Once again, woke up at 1:45 (stuffed nose). Watched some TV, PVR’d stuff and read some blogs. Went back to bed around 4:40. At 5:20 I shut off the Blackberry alarm and went back to sleep. Got up at 9:45, had breakfast and took a shower. Went shopping with LovelyWife at 10:30. We didn’t buy anything. Went to see Eagle Eye (meh) and had some fries at the theater. Came home, picked up the kids from school and had dinner. Kids had a letter telling us that they have headlice at school. Letter was dated last Thursday. Good to know. Third round of head checks revealed no critters in kids hair. Watched hockey game (Mtl won 4-0).

It’s now 22:17 and I’m debating if I should just go to bed or peak at my work e-mail. 😉 I think I’ll be cool and just go to bed.

And that my friends, is the life of a Rockstar.