
The death of a Joke

So yesterday I published what I thought was a rather simple yet charming post, asking you my dear readers to “follow the yellow brick road”.

Apparently, I didn’t make it obvious enough. It seems that not a lot of people understood that I wanted you to click on the picture. 😉

That would’ve taken you to Sheila’s blog, where you would’ve seen a post for her Birthday.

A post that I made.

Of course, I had inserted a few hints that this post was not made by Sheila:

But it seems that I may not have been clear enough that it was actually Sheila’s Birthday. 😉

But no worries: Because she is damn old In a weird turn of events, it turns out that even Sheila forgot it was her Birthday yesterday! So you get a do over! Go visit her blog and wish her Happy Birthday!

Weekend Update

Hey, guess what I did this weekend.


Well, we did the Christmas Tree.

And I forgot to bring the memory card that has the pictures of said tree. So really, it’s like I did nothing.

I’ll leave you with an artist rendering of what my tree looks like.

Our Christmas Tree, 2010.

Sorry about that. Real pictures tomorrow.

A recap?

Hi everyone! 

I’d like to start by apologising for the recent slew of Batman strips around here… But I won’t. 😉 On Friday April 24th I  knew I had a long week ahead of me at work, and as Delmer put it, I felt the need to put this thing on auto-pilot for a while. When Karen Sugarpants called the Batman & Joker strip I did on Saturday a Batman and Robin strip, a little spark happened in my mind, and I thought “Robin + Spark”. OMFFSM.

Plus, it inspired him. 😉

After all has been said and done, I only worked a measly 18 hours extra this week, which entitles me to time and a half: 27 hours more – That’s almost a full 4 days of time off. 

I’m just happy everything went somewhat smoothly. 😉

Electricity Upgrade

On Sunday, I had to be present “Just in case”. Well, you can picture how fun it was to sit around waiting for stuff to happen. It was pretty much a regular work day (ha!). Seriously, I was bored. I updated some documents and whatnot. I’m an excellent worker. I deserve a raise for sure.

Our main LMS

On Friday we had to upgrade our main LMS because of a nasty flaw discovered that would basically allow a student user to gtant himself admin permissions on the platform and change all kinds of options… This was indeed a very serious exploit that needed to be fixed.

Now, if you follow me on Twitter (and really, if you’re not why?) you’ve already heard about part of that experience. 

Oh and as I’m typing that, I just discovered that our system is really unstable, and that we forgot to reapply one patch. I guess this is not over just yet.

I need a morale booster

Is that like that last bullet I keep talking about?

Lame / Not Lame


In 6 days, I leave for Africa

In 6 hours, I have to give a finished document that’s sucking the life out of me.

In 6 minutes, I have to post something on my blog.

So you’re getting this lame post.

In other news

Karl has special requested a guest post spot while I’ll be away. So Feb 1st is officially his to use and abuse.

That is the not lame part. 😉


Apologies to Sheila, I promised you a dedicated post. Like you said, I just didn’t have enough time to put all you awesomeness on virtual paper before the midnight deadline. I’ll make it up to you somehow.