Day: January 23, 2009

The Dedication Post

Hello! I’m sure you all already know who I am [geez – conceited much?] but just in case you are living under a rock somewhere, my name is Sheila.  I inhabit the insanely awesome domain,  Charm School Reject.

LeSombre is over in Africa doing all kinds of cool things, leaving his blog unattended.

Silly man was dumb smart enough to ask me to do a guest post for him. I feel bad for him – I don’t think he realized just what he was getting himself into when I registered with my very own username and password!

So, without further ado, let’s get on with the show!

LeSombre was supposed to write a dedication post for me.  I mean, we all know that this post was totally about me but he was trying to be all discreet and schtuff – don’t wanna hurt anyone’s feelings ya know!

Well, I really think that as his ForeignWifeToAnotherMan, I deserve some kind of perks.

It seems to me that a not-quite-so-obscure dedication post is the least he can do.


He was a little busy spending time with his LovelyWife and Zadorable Children, in addition to the millions of other things he had to do to prepare for his trip.  I think that we can all agree that it would take a lot of time and many, many blog posts to encompass all of my awesomeness and something has got to give.  He promised me that he would get around to it once he returned from Africa and settled back into married life.


I am impatient.

I also have a whole helluvalot of time on my hands.

So I decided to save him the trouble and write my own dedication post.

Besides, this gives me the opportunity to talk about my favorite subject – ME and, of course, my awesomeness. I swear, I am not conceited – I just know that I am better than you ::grin::

Now, seriously, let’s stop with all the bullshit and get this show on the road.

Since LeSombre loves math so much, I thought we’d do a little proof thingy like they have in geometry.

So – proof that LeSombre + Charm School Reject = Awesome

1.  Secret Language. LeSombre and Sheila have their own little secret language and it cracks both of them up to the nth degree.  Most people just think they are retarded.

2.  Code Names. LeSombre and Sheila have a special name for their insanely awesome duo.

3.  Call of Cthulu. Sheila actually gets LeSombre’s Cthulu references….she even thinks they are funny.

4.  Sword of Truth. Sheila didn’t tell LeSombre the ending of the series (even though it is practically driving her mad!) and even sent him a super special present to finish out the series for him. *

5.  Peanut Brittle. Sheila has a special place in her heart reserved for the buttery peanut-y goodness that is peanut brittle.  So does LeSombre.  *

6.  Canadia vs Chicago. LeSombre lives in Canada.  Sheila lives in Chicago.  Both are freezing cold three-quarters of the year.  Of course, Sheila dubbed herself an honorary Canadian but that was before she realized how much easier it would be if LeSombre just uprooted his family to Chicago.

7.  Jagermeister. Despite the chill inducing temperature of this drink, they share a love for the shuddery goodness of this black licorice flavored liquor.

8.  Meh. Collectively, their favorite word.

9.  Love at First Sight. They both believe in it.  They both have experienced it. Just not with each other.  Their friendship was one of those things that developed over a certain period of time.

10.  Technology Slash Computers. Sheila makes LeSombre feel full of super powers when he guides her through using the insanely simple insanely complicated programs that leave her dumbfounded, like GTalk, GReader and WordPress.  She also lets him show off his insanely awesome web design skillz by creating a one of a kind template for her blog.  [Geez – this Sheila girl is starting to sound like a saint!]

11.  The Inevitable Age Difference. LeSombre is old enough to be her father oldest brother but Sheila is nice and just refers to him as her ShugahDaddy (Donald Trump style) instead of CreepyOldMan (Hugh Hefner style).

So – there you have it folks – listed out in plain black and white – why Sheila is the Jager in LeSombre’s Red Bull; the splash of Captain in his Dr. Pepper; the Nicci to his Richard.  Oh yes folks, we are all these things and more.

He doesn’t make sense; I don’t make sense.  Together, we make sense. [Obscure movie reference here folks – did you catch it?]

I’m sorry that some of these are a little cryptic (see number one and number two) but I can’t go stealing all of his blog fodder so I am leaving these a little open ended.  I guess I really should be elected for Sainthood.  I am so giving and kind.

Blah blah blah blah.


* Note from LeSombre Of course, the bitch forgot to include home made peanut brittle in with my Christmas present so maybe we should just stop writing this list. Come to think of it , the Christmas present she did send hasn’t even made it to the Great White Tundra of Canadia.  What a freakin’ bitch.  Please disregard this entire post.  I hate her.  kthnxbai.