30-day meme

MEMovember (day 30)

If you remember from a recent post, every day in November, I’ll post a picture of my growing moustache, and I’ll also do this 30-day meme (included in the original post) that I’m stealing from Sarah. So without further ado:

Taken in the bathroom, on the train. 😉

Day 30 – Who are you?

I don’t know. I’m a mustachioed version of me at this point. 😉 Why don’t you tell me who I am in the comments?

Thank you for reading me this month, and for helping me reach our 5,000$ goal for prostate health. It’s been a blast!

Tomorrow: Most likely a Batman strip. 😉

Last day to join “The Movemberists”, it’s easy and it’s fun!
We reached our $5,000 goal on Nov 26 at 3:13pm!
Now in Mo’vertime!

MEMovember (day 29)

If you remember from a recent post, every day in November, I’ll post a picture of my growing moustache, and I’ll also do this 30-day meme (included in the original post) that I’m stealing from Sarah. So without further ado:

One. More. Day!

Day 29 – In this past month, what have you learned?

Bwhaaa haaaa haaaaa! Learn something, moi?

Seriously, I did learn some things over the pas month:

  • I can totally grow a moustache. Who knew I had it in me!
  • I can totally raise 5,000$ for (well, against really) prostate cancer, with the help of a few friends.
  • I can totally take kick-ass pictures with my iPhone in the bathroom at work.
  • I can totally pretend taking pictures in the bathroom is the most normal thing ever if someone walks in on me while I’m doing it.
  • I look really hot with glasses.
  • Close-up of moustaches can really freak out some people. Hi Poppy and Finn!
  • I have really kind eyes.
  • Nobody sees my unibrow.
  • If I put my mind to do something, I can totally do it. As long as it doesn’t really require any effort on my part.
  • Nobody reads blogs on weekends.

Tomorrow: Day 30 – Who are you?

Join “The Movemberists”, it’s easy and it’s fun!
We reached our $5,000 goal on Nov 26 at 3:13pm!
Now in Mo’vertime!

MEMovember (day 28)

If you remember from a recent post, every day in November, I’ll post a picture of my growing moustache, and I’ll also do this 30-day meme (included in the original post) that I’m stealing from Sarah. So without further ado:

Enjoy it while it lasts!

Day 28 – A picture of you last year and now, how have you changed since then?

in April 2008, and in August 2010

That’s funny,because I did this with a 2 year difference last August. I sent this picture to a friend, asking “Do you see a difference?” and he said that I look less gay now. He wishes! 😉

Tomorrow: Day 29 – In this past month, what have you learned

Join “The Movemberists”, it’s easy and it’s fun!
We reached our $5,000 goal on Nov 26 at 3:13pm!
Now in Mo’vertime!

MEMovember (day 27)

If you remember from a recent post, every day in November, I’ll post a picture of my growing moustache, and I’ll also do this 30-day meme (included in the original post) that I’m stealing from Sarah. So without further ado:

Not in the bathroom! 😉

Day 27 – Why are you doing this 30 day challenge

This is going to sound like a cop-out, but “why not?” is really the first thing that popped in my head. I mean, what else was I going to do here? Batman/Robin strips for 30 days? 🙂 Seriously, I was looking for something to kick-start the old blogging muscle again, and there was this “30 days of truth” thing floating around – which I briefly considered until this other version came along. This one seemed more fun, and combining it with growing a moustache for 30 days seemed really silly.

That’s totally me, no?

Tomorrow: Day 28 – A picture of you last year and now, how have you changed since then?

Join “The Movemberists”, it’s easy and it’s fun!
We reached our $5,000 goal on Nov 26 at 3:13pm!
Now in Mo’vertime!

MEMovember (day 26)

If you remember from a recent post, every day in November, I’ll post a picture of my growing moustache, and I’ll also do this 30-day meme (included in the original post) that I’m stealing from Sarah. So without further ado:

It tickles.

Day 26 – What you think about your friends

If you remember day 22 of this meme, you probably already know that all my friends know exactly what I think of them, and that’s the important thing. None of them are perfect, they all have their awesome side and their less then flattering side. Do you know what I think of you? If you do, you are my friend. 😉

Tomorrow: Day 27 – Why are you doing this 30 day challenge?

Join “The Movemberists”, it’s easy and it’s fun!
We’re so close ($314 away) to our $5,000 goal!

MEMovember (day 24)

If you remember from a recent post, every day in November, I’ll post a picture of my growing moustache, and I’ll also do this 30-day meme (included in the original post) that I’m stealing from Sarah. So without further ado:

For Finn.

For Sybil and Sheila. The moustache is at the end of the arrow. It’s not a close-up.

Day 24 – A letter to your parents

Not bad, right?

Tomorrow: Day 25 – What I would find in your bag

Join “The Movemberists”, it’s easy and it’s fun!

MEMovember (day 23)

If you remember from a recent post, every day in November, I’ll post a picture of my growing moustache, and I’ll also do this 30-day meme (included in the original post) that I’m stealing from Sarah. So without further ado:

Shaving, because I’m going back to work!

Day 23 – Something you crave for a lot

Not meatloaf.

Tomorrow: Day 24 – A letter to your parents

MEMovember (day 22)

If you remember from a recent post, every day in November, I’ll post a picture of my growing moustache, and I’ll also do this 30-day meme (included in the original post) that I’m stealing from Sarah. So without further ado:

Still sick, still unshaven.

Day 22- What makes you different from everyone else

That’s funny because I recently had this discussion with a friend of mine. What makes me different than everyone else is that I am always authentic. I will most likely have a longer post about this in the near future – sorry, I’m back blogging since I was sick for the past 3 days – but basically I always say what I mean, and always mean what I say. Feel free to ask questions in the comments. 😉

Tomorrow: Day 23 – Something you crave for a lot