MEMovember (day 11)

If you remember from a recent post, every day in November, I’ll post a picture of my growing moustache, and I’ll also do this 30-day meme (included in the original post) that I’m stealing from Sarah. So without further ado:

Looks like I’m also growing my nose this month.

Day 11- Another picture of you and your friends

Another one?

To be quite honest, I don’t have that many pictures of me and friends. For starters, I absolutely hate myself in pictures – it’s amazing I stick close-ups of my face on this blog. The other thing is that I’m normally the one taking pictures when I’m out with people, so the pictures I have are never of me.

Now, if you’re my friend and have a picture of us together, you can send it to me and I’ll put it here.  😉

And to Sybil Law: I apologize for the empty post. I set it to publish at midnight, but went to bed really early yesterday and forgot to put content in the post. Oops. 😉

Tomorrow: Day 12- How you found out about WordPress and why you made one

Join “The Movemberists”, it’s easy and it’s fun!


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