Day: November 23, 2010

MEMovember (day 23)

If you remember from a recent post, every day in November, I’ll post a picture of my growing moustache, and I’ll also do this 30-day meme (included in the original post) that I’m stealing from Sarah. So without further ado:

Shaving, because I’m going back to work!

Day 23 – Something you crave for a lot

Not meatloaf.

Tomorrow: Day 24 – A letter to your parents

MEMovember (day 22)

If you remember from a recent post, every day in November, I’ll post a picture of my growing moustache, and I’ll also do this 30-day meme (included in the original post) that I’m stealing from Sarah. So without further ado:

Still sick, still unshaven.

Day 22- What makes you different from everyone else

That’s funny because I recently had this discussion with a friend of mine. What makes me different than everyone else is that I am always authentic. I will most likely have a longer post about this in the near future – sorry, I’m back blogging since I was sick for the past 3 days – but basically I always say what I mean, and always mean what I say. Feel free to ask questions in the comments. 😉

Tomorrow: Day 23 – Something you crave for a lot

MEMovember (day 20)

If you remember from a recent post, every day in November, I’ll post a picture of my growing moustache, and I’ll also do this 30-day meme (included in the original post) that I’m stealing from Sarah. So without further ado:

It’s like we’re in the ’70s. 😉

Day 20 – Someone you see yourself marrying/being with in the future

I’m already married, and I don’t plan on marrying anybody else / being with anyone else in the future.

Even if LovelyWife (15 years married in 5 days BTW) was to die in a horrible blender accident*, I would not remarry. I would most likely not even date again.

*Don’t laugh, it could happen. And an accident is most likely the only way I will outlive LovelyWife

Tomorrow: Day 21 – A picture of something that makes you happy

Join “The Movemberists”, it’s easy and it’s fun!